Columbus Zoo
A Day at the Zoo! Your child will need tennis shoes, as well as their pool bag.
If we finish early, we will head over to Zoombezi Bay to cool off in the water.
Sharon Woods
Children will participate in a fun day of exploring and riding the tram. Your child will need to wear tennis shoes and socks. Please pack a sacked lunch for your child.
OSU Waterman Dairy Farm
The kids will be have the opportunity to see and engage in a dairy farm operation! Your child must have on socks and tennis shoes. Your child will need a sack lunch.
Zoombezi Bay/ Westerville Community Pool
Your child will need their swim bag, an extra change of clothes and
a SACKED lunch. We encourage you to pack extra drinks and spending money. Food at Zoombezi Bay is not very pricey; $5-6 will get the kids a basket of fries to hold them over. Sunscreen is a must
and children should always carry a bottle in their swim bag.